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Grace B-P Contributor

My Leap of Faith: Trusting God through My Job Transition after almost 30 years.

By Eng Meng Hoon

In March 2015, after much prayer and with a peaceful heart, I left my previous job with a bank after a tenure of almost 30 years. The reason for leaving was not for greener pastures; but it was to opt out of a demanding, fast-paced and stressful environment. Back then, despite already pulling in long hours, my mind was still constantly laden with work during the weekend and even at times when I was attending church camps or holidaying overseas. Towards the later part of my years with the bank, almost every morning, I dreaded going to the office as the thought of the workload and the management’s demands and expectations weighed me down. In the course of seeking help from God, the need to get out of the tense circumstances was evident. Thus, prompting me to anchor my faith in Him without fear.

There was a sense of relief when I finally left the bank. Although I was fully aware that it would be an uphill task to secure another job within a short period of time considering my age, I was not fearful or anxious. I constantly reminded myself to trust God and rely on Him to provide in His time.

Philippians 4:6-7 “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus”. (KJV)

For a period of about 4 months thereafter, I was free from work-related encumbrances that allowed me to spend quality time with God, as well as read Christian literature (which I had hardly done before). I felt so refreshed both physically and spiritually. Besides, there was a rare opportunity for me to have gone for a short mission trip to Cambodia with a few Gracians.

While not actively looking for a job, I did harbour a desire to join the public sector for a change and prayed to God earnestly about it. I was determined to take on a non- managerial job with a lower remuneration package as satisfaction and fulfilment can be achieved through other forms.

One day, while having dinner with a lawyer friend, he asked me about my next move and voluntarily offered to connect me to his contact who works in a particular government agency. With God’s intervention, all the necessary arrangements were made rapidly and before long, I was called for an interview. During the interview, the panel of interviewers repeatedly asked me whether I was serious about accepting a contract job with a lower position and salary than before. My answer then was in the affirmative. To me, monetary gain pales in comparison with having more freedom of time to pursue things that have eternal value.

What transpired thereafter led me to successfully getting into my current job, which I have now been engaged in for more than 6 years. While there are other kinds of work stress, I am now able to enjoy a healthy balance between work and personal life.

Reminiscing my path to my current job, my heart is always full of praises and thanks to God for His deliverance and provision. The change of job from private to public sector in my late 50s leads me to appreciate the importance of being fully dependent on God.

Truly, we must constantly remind ourselves to look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith in all circumstances. God our Creator is Sovereign and He will establish the paths for our good and to His glory

Isaiah 26:3-4 “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord JEHOVAH is everlasting strength” (KJV)

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1 Comment

jenny jose
jenny jose
Jan 29, 2024

This is so encouraging. I am in a situation in life where I am looking for a job after a break due to health reasons.

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