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Grace B-P Contributor

Do Not Forget Our Bible-Presbyterian Heritage

By Rev. Tan Eng Boo

Today is the 49th anniversary of Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church. On this day, I wish to remind all of us of the precious biblical heritage we inherited from our founding fathers.

There was a time when they had to defend our faith vigorously (Jude 1:3). In the past they contended with liberals in the Presbyterian Church over the cardinal doctrines of Scriptures. They eventually left the Presbyterian denomination to begin the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore. That was 75 years ago. Many younger members of the Bible-Presbyterian Church do not know our denomination’s historical past. It would be a great tragedy if, one day, Grace Church should take a different route. Our church leaders, especially, must be mindful of our precious biblical heritage.

As we are going through a time of pastoral and church transition, I know changes must take place. I know the present leaders well, and I am sure they will be very careful when making changes. Pray for them. May I exhort everyone in Grace church to take heed of doing the following:

1.      Be faithful to God’s word. The apostle Paul gave this warning:

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. (2 Timothy 4:3, 4) 

Let us be people who know God’s word (2 Timothy 2:15). Be attentive to listen to the preaching of God’s word and after hearing it, search the Scripture carefully to see if the preacher preached it correctly (Acts 17:11). That is your responsibility. Do not swallow everything the preacher preaches. But remember always to be humble to  digest God’s word and live it out.

2.      Put your hands on the plough together to build the church.

“For we are God's fellow workers….” (1 Corinthians 3:9).

Every member can do something for the church. For example, prayer is one part of the ministry you can do. Take the church weekly and pray for those involved in preaching, teaching the children, worship team, church leaders, etc. Find the niche that you can fit into. Ask God to lead you. Use your gift for the Lord’s work, not for your place of work only.

Finally, it is always good to be reminded that we have this building, given to us by the late Dr Tow Siew Ai. We have been blessed with a permanent place of worship, where we can call this place “our church.”

May the Lord bless Grace church as we enter our 50th year of service. Till Jesus returns, let us all serve the Lord faithfully.

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