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January 1976 witnessed the birth of Grace B-P Church as an outreach arm of Life B-P Church. Formerly a hotel, the site is a church today because of a sister who gave it for God’s work. In 1978, Grace Mandarin Service was started.

For over 40 years, she is a beacon dedicated to serving our Lord Jesus Christ, the saints in Christ and bringing those who do not know Him around the vicinity and beyond our shores.

We welcome families and individuals alike to worship and serve with us. We have ministries for young and old during our Service on Sundays as well as some days in the week. If you are looking for a local church to settle in, please be aware that we are a congregation of sinful people, but we have a good and great Saviour!

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Weekly Activities

Wednesday 星期三

Prayer Meeting 8:00pm 

祷告会 8:00pm


Adult Fellowship (last Saturday of the month) 5:30pm

Sunday 星期日

English Service

Worship Service 9.30am (Watch online here)

Junior Worship (7-12 years old) 9:30am

Bible Classes 11.30am

Mandarin Service

成人查经班 Adult Bible Class 10.00am

​乐龄主日学 Elderly Sunday School 10.30am

主日崇拜 Worship Service 11.30am (Watch online here)

Home: What's Happening
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Download bulletins and sermon notes at the new Downloads page. 

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5 Jalan Haji Salam, Singapore 468745

©2020 by Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church.

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